Jan 25, 2012

God Will Do What He Says He Will Do

No weapons formed against me shall prosper it won’t work…

That song has been lingering in my spirit since this year began. I have practically worn out my Fred Hammond cd playing it.

God will do what he says he will do, he will stand by his word he will come through…

I have needed the encouragement and indeed it has encouraged me. So I thought I’d share it with my dearest bloggy friends… you.

Has God promised you something that he has not yet brought to pass?

Don’t give up! Hold fast to his promise, he will do what he says he will do.

Does it sometimes feel as if he has forgotten you? Continue to have faith, he will stand by his word. He will come through.

Do you find it difficult to accept the promises of God at times? So do I. I know it doesn’t seem a very Christian-like thing to admit but…

Sometimes I get discouraged to the point where I don’t want to hear anyone saying to me that God is going to keep his word.

I’ve read it.

I can recite it.

I know in theory (and by personal experience) that he keeps his word. He fulfills his promises, he doesn’t forget his children.

But some days I don’t want to hear what God is going to do I want to see him move on my time.

On days like that I get discouraged, I pout, I cry, I question him.

However, my pouting doesn’t cause him to move one moment faster that he planned to. It simply reveals to me that I have some more growing to do.

And so I encourage myself. I find solace in His word. I put my focus on the giver and not the gifts. I remind myself that I’ve come too far to doubt his promises now.

So I ask myself…

- What if Jairus had give up when the servant told him not to bother Jesus because his daughter was dead?

- What if the woman with the issue of blood had believed the report of the last doctor she’d seen and not trusted Jesus for a miracle?

- What if the man lying at the pool of Bethesda for 38 years had asked someone to take him home the day before Jesus came by?

They would all have missed out on their miracle.

I don’t want to be known as, “the one who missed out because she got discouraged” or “the one who because God didn’t do it in her time or in her way didn’t think he’d do it at all…”

So my dear bloggy friends, I’d just like to remind you, me, us… as January begins to wind down and the newness of the new year inevitably begins to fade that God is a keeper of his word.

His promises are sure.

He will do what he says he will do.

He will stand by his word.

He will come through.

Sometimes he answers “while we are yet praying” and sometimes he takes longer than we feel comfortable with. But however he does it be assured that he will do it.

As the enemy begins to send the weapons of doubt and fear to your mind don’t let it get inside of you. Remember the weapons will form but they won’t prosper… unless we let it.

My friends whatever promises God has made to you in this year hold on to them… He will come through.

I had no intentions of writing this lengthy post, I simply wanted to share this song with you but God had other plans.

I hope this song encourages you and gives you hope as it has done me.

Trusting Him,

Jan 20, 2012

Except Ye Become as Little Children

It was the happy sounds of laughter that drew me to my window. So there I stood watching them playing in their backyard. There were no expensive toys strewn about or even a bat and ball. They were simply running around the yard playing tag, two brothers one older, one younger and a sister in the middle.

They played with total joy and delight, talking, laughing and enjoying each other’s company. I watched them for a while, their laughter making me smile. As I watched the littlest one tumbled down, however before his first tear fell his older siblings were there brushing off his little legs and offering comfort ensuring that no tears spoiled their fun.

I wonder when it all changes? When does the simplicity and joy of childhood begin to lose its luster?  

I'm at Laced with Grace today. Do stop by to read the rest of my article Except Ye Become as Little Children

Trusting Him,

Jan 15, 2012

The Joy of the Lord...

Have you ever noticed that the times you are happiest and most content in life are the times when you are walking closest with the Lord? It doesn’t mean that life is perfect or that everything is necessarily going the way you want them to go. However you’re at a place where whatever happens, good or bad you take it in stride and trust God that he’s going to see you through.

Those times are the best times in our walk with God, the times of simply trusting him and having that inner joy in our hearts that the enemy can’t extinguish.

God loves these times; times of fellowship with his children, times of love, laughter sometimes tears but most of all trust.

The enemy despises these times. It’s in times like these that he can’t get a foothold in our lives. We are too optimistic, too trusting, too confident, too joyous, hence, too strong. He doesn’t want us strong. Consequently he focuses on the one thing that if we lose, is guaranteed to sap our strength. Little by little, he tries to chip away at our joy, for the joy of the Lord is our strength.

Let’s not let him…

Remember the scripture where David encouraged himself in the Lord?

And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God. 1 Samuel 30:6 (KJV) (emphasis mine)

I had to remind myself of that scripture this week when something happened that for a moment (well maybe it was more like an hour or two), started to sap my joy. But, I remembered that I made a promise to myself that I was not going to let anything steal my joy this year. Consequently, I began to encourage myself in the Lord. In fact I started writing this post the same day. The problem is still not fixed but I realized that getting all upset and depressed about it wasn’t going to make things right one minute before God’s time. So I’ve turned it over to him.

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)

The enemy will rear his ugly head in our lives, it’s his job but let’s not allow him to get the victory over us. Let’s stop him in his tracks by trusting God and rejoicing in him anyway.

Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. Philippians 4:4

Joyfully trusting Him,

Joy... that's my focus word for this year.  I find that I need to choose it more, to live more joyfully, to find joy in everyday life and consequently be stronger spiritually for indeed the joy of the Lord is my strength!

The above post is actually a re post from a few years ago but the Holy Spirit led me back to it.  Maybe he thought I needed reminding...