Jul 14, 2011

Recognizing God's Voice

“How do you know when God is speaking to you?” I would often ask my mom this question in my early years of being a Christian. I had no doubt that God indeed spoke to his children but I wanted to be sure I didn’t miss his voice.

My mom always gave me the same answer, said with perfect assurance, “Baby you will know!” At times her answer frustrated me because I wanted a formula for knowing, a way to say a + b = c, so yes it is God speaking to me.

I'm at Laced with Grace today. Do stop by to read the rest of my article Recognizing God's Voice

Trusting Him,

1 comment:

  1. One of the hardest things I learned was recognizing God's voice...and I wasn't sure why I was not hearing it...but one of the things my mentor taught me when I first got saved was when you have distractions around you, it will be impossible to hear His voice. It took some time for me to get the understanding of it but I finally did get it. Lots of things distracts us from hearing God our thoughts, other people's speaking to us..that is why I very careful as to what I allow myself to listen to because things which are not good can enter my spirit and it will block what I need to hear from God...AMEN


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