Oct 24, 2014

A Sister's Love

"I wonder what’s wrong with her," the perceptive older sister said as her little sister approached.  "She looks as if she’s upset." And she was.  It was Awards Day at her school and while she had received an award, her name had been misspelled in the booklet and left off several award categories.

When little sister reached where we were standing, her sister asked, "What's wrong, Sweetie?"  She started to talk then tears started to fall.  I followed as the older sister led the younger one to someplace more private and then pulled her into her arms...
I'm at Laced With Grace Today.  I'd love it if you'd stop by and read the rest of my post A Sister's Love

Mar 20, 2014

Fear Not

The words fear not jumped out at me this morning as I read 2 Kings 6:8-17.

How often have I read those words as I study the pages of my Bible over the years?  God does not want us to fear, not even for a moment and he proves to us over and over again that he is always with us.

In this scripture, the King of Syria had been plotting against the King of Israel.  However, Elisha the Prophet would always warn the King of Israel and he would avoid the trap of the King of Syria. When the King of Syria found out that it was Elisha who had knowledge of his plans he sent his army to fetch Elisha.  When the army surrounded them Elisha’s servant was afraid.  However Elisha said to him;
Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. 2 Kings 6:16 KJV (emphasis mine)
Are you like me…sometimes fearful?  It often seems as if the obstacles that the enemy throws in your path are unsurpassable.  They seem bigger than life.  However, they are not bigger than God.
I'm at Laced With Grace Today.  I'd love it if you'd stop by and read the rest of my post Fear Not

Feb 25, 2014

Sharing Jesus Through Writing...

I'm honored to be a part of Women Walking with Jesus, a new ministry, led by 
Lisa Shaw, a woman who loves Jesus and loves to encourage women in their walk with Him.

Stop by Lisa Shaw Cares to meet the diverse group of women she has brought together to share their stories of Walking with Jesus, each month. 

We pray that our stories of walking with Jesus will touch your heart as we share from our hearts.

Feb 20, 2014

Not Worthy to Be Counted

Do you see people the way God sees them?  I’ve been meditating on that lately as I read David’s journey to becoming king in 1 Samuel 16. Sometimes we are quick to look at people with judgmental eyes based on their outward appearance.

We make snap judgments based on the way they dress, look and many other things.  Even the prophet Samuel wasn’t exempted from this. When God sent Samuel to anoint one of Jesse’s sons  He took one look at Eliab and thought, “Surely this is the LORD’S anointed.

He wasn’t!
I'm at Laced With Grace Today.  I'd love it if you'd stop by and read the rest of my post Not Worthy to be Counted

Jan 26, 2014

Minimizing my Library

I didn’t know it would be so difficult but it was.  This year I find myself having to do a complete purging and minimizing of my belongings.  I started with what I know would be the most difficult… my books.  I’m an avid bookworm and book collector.  One of my dreams in life, for as long as I can remember, was to have my own personal library.  I was well on my way. Then recently came the realization that I had to let go of a very large fraction of my books, we’re talking probably more than half.

This week, I forced myself to make the first cut.  Books I’ve had, some dating back to my teenage years, found themselves on the floor about to be given away but to whom?  It was with heavy heart that I sat surrounded by my books and in the midst of it all, I whispered a simple prayer… “God you have to find good homes for my books.”  I know it seems a bit silly but it gave me a measure of peace with having to part with my treasures.

My taste in reading is very eclectic and my library reflects that.  From the inspirational romances of my teens, to my Left Behind Series, my Frank Peretti books, to books on Youth’s Ministry, Sunday School, Self Help, Bible studies, Scripture based books, I have books that covers a wide genre...  I love to read and I read books according to the mood I’m in at the moment…

I asked around and found people who were happy to take some of the books off my hands.  However, I was overjoyed when my cousin, who lives next door to me stopped by.  She and her daughters love reading so she left with many of my novels.  She and her husband also has a new ministry so she also happily carried some of my books on teaching Sunday School and Youth Ministry.  I told her, she was an answer to prayer because I know that the books will continue to be used and taken care of.

As I go through the process of minimizing my library I feel my heart getting lighter even as I give away things that I have loved and held on to for many years.  Many times I hold on to things and don’t want to let go.  But I have to let go of somethings in order to get to where God wants to take me.  This year, I know that I have to minimize so I choose to do it with a good attitude and joyful heart knowing that God is at work on my behalf.

In the main time I have still have many books, some of which are pictured, waiting to go to their new homes...
A bag of novels for some teen girls...

books for friends...
Salvation Army Thrift Store

Two of my shelves after the first cut...
Where was I keeping all of those books?
In the midst of dealing with my books I got the news that one of my favorite cousins had left this world to be with Jesus.  I’m sure he had his things that he loved, family being first of all.  However in order to gain the ultimate prize he had to let it all go.  It is no longer a concern to him.  He’s not thinking about his favorite possession or anything he had in this world… absent from this body present with the Lord. R.I.P my dear cousin.

Trusting Him,

Jan 7, 2014

The Call to Leave the Shallows

Somehow, no matter how many of them I experience I still get excited about beginning a new year.   In this New Year I hear the call, to leave the shallow places behind and launch out into the deep places in God.  The shallow places have become too comfortable.  They have become an excuse for failure because there are no opportunities for success or movement.  The shallows give you a valid reason to give up, wash up your net as the fishermen did in Luke 5:4-5.
When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Push out into the deep water. Let down your nets for some fish.” Simon said to Him, “Teacher, we have worked all night and we have caught nothing. But because You told me to, I will let the net down.”

I'm at Laced With Grace today.  I'd love it if you stop by and read the rest of my article The Call to Leave the Shallows

Trusting Him,