Mar 20, 2014

Fear Not

The words fear not jumped out at me this morning as I read 2 Kings 6:8-17.

How often have I read those words as I study the pages of my Bible over the years?  God does not want us to fear, not even for a moment and he proves to us over and over again that he is always with us.

In this scripture, the King of Syria had been plotting against the King of Israel.  However, Elisha the Prophet would always warn the King of Israel and he would avoid the trap of the King of Syria. When the King of Syria found out that it was Elisha who had knowledge of his plans he sent his army to fetch Elisha.  When the army surrounded them Elisha’s servant was afraid.  However Elisha said to him;
Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. 2 Kings 6:16 KJV (emphasis mine)
Are you like me…sometimes fearful?  It often seems as if the obstacles that the enemy throws in your path are unsurpassable.  They seem bigger than life.  However, they are not bigger than God.
I'm at Laced With Grace Today.  I'd love it if you'd stop by and read the rest of my post Fear Not

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bernadine it is always lovely to stop by!! Fear Not is so important! Such a good word for the day!


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