Dec 31, 2018

A New Year's Eve Tradition

When I was a little girl it was our family's tradition to go to service on New Year’s Eve and “bring in the New Year, in church.” As an adult the tradition is still ingrained in me.  To me there is something wonderful about ending the old year as I began it and starting the New Year as I want to end it… in the house of God, in the presence of the Lord.

It never ceases to amaze me the sense of child-like awe, wonder and expectancy I feel when I enter God’s house. I am excited as a child about to unwrap a much awaited and longed for gift, not sure what it is but knowing that something wonderful waits within. The beautiful thing about going into the house of God is that I always leave feeling refreshed, renewed and eager to face whatever challenges life throws my way.

I can totally relate to how David felt when he said, “I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord. Psalm 122:1″  God’s house for me is a place to lose myself in the wonder of his presence and allow his sweet Holy Spirit to minister to my hurts, lift my burdens, renew my joys and give me courage to face another day, week, month, year… with Him by my side to guide and direct me. 
 You are my God, and I will give you thanks; you are my God, and I will exalt you. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.Psalm 118:28-29 
Father, thank you for your guidance throughout this year, I pray your protection over each of us during the remainder of this year.  As we approach a New Year, renew our desire to serve you, increase our faith that we would hold fast to the promises that you have made us, give us courage to share whatever you lay on our hearts in this coming year.
 Trusting Him,

I've share this post several times over the years. However the words still remain true and for me. It's New Year's Eve and in just a few hours I'll be on my way to the house of the Lord...

Dec 2, 2018

Follow His Lead

When I was planning my wedding, I had a vision of a beautiful first dance. However, I am not a very good dancer. So, I was concerned about looking silly swaying from side to side during the first dance. I shared my concerns with my then fiancé. He sweetly said, “Don’t worry about it, Honey. I’ll teach you. Just follow my lead.”

So, two days before our wedding my fiancé taught me a simple waltz. it was quite interesting at first. One of the reasons was that I’d get so distracted thinking about where my feet should go that I missed his cues. However, as time passed our movements became more in sync. As a result, on our wedding day we glided around the floor without a trace of awkwardness. I’m sure it’s because I willingly followed his lead.

At times my life feels out of sync with God and I wish it would flow as smoothly as that first dance did. Unfortunately, I don’t always willing follow His lead like I should. Recently, I’ve been talking to Him about something that’s very important to me. All the signs are pointing in the direction He wants me to go. Yet, I hesitate. I ask Him for another sign, simply because it’s not the direction I want to go.

I often sing the song, Where He leads Me, I will follow; but still at times, I hesitate and second guess myself when He leads. Today, as I write this devotional, I’ve made up my mind that I’m going to trust Jesus to lead me and to follow His lead. He truly knows what’s best for me and I want my life to be in sync with His with plans.

8 I will instruct you (says the Lord) and guide you along the best pathway for your life; I will advise you and watch your progress. 9 Don’t be like a senseless horse or mule that must have a bit in its mouth to keep it in line! Psalm 32:8-9 (TLB)
This devotion was also posted at Laced With Grace

Trusting Him,

Mar 29, 2018

A Girl of the Word - Quiet Time Journal

I'm happy to announce that the first Journal in my Quietly Becoming Journal/ Bible Study Guide Series is now available on Amazon. This interactive journal will make an excellent addition to your quiet time materials.Purchase your copy on Amazon
Trusting Him,