Jan 16, 2011

Just Do It

photo by fotosearch.com

The Bible is sitting there waiting to be read…
Scriptures to be memorized
Words to be hidden in our heart
Strength to be found
Revelation to be discovered
Relationship to be forged with Jesus our Lord
But often times we choose the next thing,
A favorite television show,
A phone call from a friend,
An interesting book,

Hence, our spiritual life wanes
Becomes dry,
Joy fades,
Hunger subsides
All the while the Holy Spirit whispers,
Choose me,
So in the words of the Nike’s slogan
I say

Just do it…

photo by fotosearch.com

Choose Him first,
Choose Him consistently and
Interest in other things will
Then we’ll hear the quiet whisper,
Well done my child.

Trusting Him


  1. Hi Bernadine,
    I hope you had a nice weekend.

    AMEN! Life is so short, and your post really puts the focus on things that are eternal. It's so true that the more time we spend with the Lord, the things of this world begin to loose their appeal.

    This is a great post!

    God bless you,

  2. Bernadine, I really love this, and what a way to begin a New Year. Thanks!

  3. Bernadine, very concise and so on point. Many things can distract us but we just have to make it a priority to just do it.

  4. Hi Bernadine -

    Thank you

    I love this! Our Lord has me in the beginning stages of writing a piece about the importance of the Word of GOD in our lives.

    You so very well expressed this.
    It said necessary truth indeed.
    And we need reminders - thank you for this one.


Thank you for dropping by. Do leave a note so I can return the compliment.