Jul 16, 2012

Dream Killers

What would you say if I told you that two killers were on the loose in your neighborhood and you were accused of aiding and abetting them? I’m sure you’d never do something like that… or would you? Well believe it or not it’s true.

 There are two killers on the loose and they are hiding out in a place you least suspect. These two killers are the best in the world. No matter how many times they are captured they always manage to escape.

They are more sinister than those behind the September 11th attacks, more terrifying than the deadliest diseases, and more intimidating than the fiercest bully.

These two always work together. In fact it’s in togetherness that they get their power. They have no respect for age; they kill young and old alike. However, they don’t kill the flesh, that’s much too obvious after all you may catch on and try to protect yourselves and your love ones.

These killers are after something else. If allowed to go unchecked they will destroy your dreams, your faith and your hope for a bright and beautiful future. They will reduce you to doubting your abilities, your purpose for being and your very worth as a person. These two assassins will not be found walking the streets, or hiding in bushes, in fact they hide in the most unlikely place… your mouth. These killers that I’m talking about are two simple words that we use countless times throughout the day.

The two assassins that I speak of, the killers of dreams, the instigators of doubt are the words I can’t.

What gives these words so much power is that they cause you to kill your own dreams without realizing. Every time you say I can’t a little piece of your dream dies because in essence you’re saying I’m not even going to try.

Many of us today are less than we should be, less than we want to be and less than God called us to be because we have allowed these assassins free reign over our lives. We have allowed it so much that many times we won’t even try anything new. Every time we are presented with a new challenge the first words out of our mouths are the words I can’t.

I dare you as of this moment to say something different. I dare you to stop letting those two dream killers have free reign in your life. I dare you to instead of saying I can’t say I’m going to try. You may not succeed at everything you try to do but at least you’re putting yourself in race.

This article was originally the introduction to a sermon I gave during a Youths’ Day service several years ago.  I’ve been thinking a lot about achieving dreams lately so I decided to share this again.  I’ll probably be doing another post about dreams and goals soon as I continue to think out loud.

Trusting Him,

Photo credit:  inmagine.com


  1. I like that sis dream killers it reminds me of the story of Joseph had he allow people to kill his dream he would of never continued with the fight of being thrown into prison and forgive his brothers. We all have dreams and we can't allow people or ourselves to steal our dreams amen

  2. AMEN!!!! To move forward we have to be focus and tune out the dream killers.

  3. Amen! I was so curious what your two killers were; and when I read them, I nodded my head in agreement! God is the God of doing the impossible. We can because He will do it through us!


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